Meeting Dates and Appointments

Download meeting dates and appointments for the municipal year by pressing the buttons below.

The date, time and agenda for each meeting is advertised on the website and on noticeboards. Members of the public are very welcome to attend these meetings.

All meetings are open to members of the press and public except for any specific item marked as a Confidential Session under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, where the public/press would be asked to leave the room for the duration of the item or items in question.

It should be noted that members of the press and public may not speak when the Council or a committee is in session.

There is a meeting of the Town Council (Full Council) on the third Tuesday of every month (except August). A Public Forum is held during the meeting.  No decisions can be made during the Public Forum section of the agenda.

To find out more about specific meetings and committees select the page from the ‘Meetings’ drop down menu in the navigation bar.